Floral Bouquet Candle
Our Bouquet Floral scented candle has been created to celebrate and preserve a lifestyle centered around true luxury: time. Each candle is handcrafted in individual molds, following a careful process that avoids mass production and ensures the uniqueness of each piece.
As it burns, the stem of the bouquet gradually reveals a delicate organic design resembling a branch, ultimately transforming into an ideal holder for small objects.
This candle is a true artisanal gem, and we recommend taking extra precautions when handling it and treating it with utmost care when removing it from its box to preserve its integrity.
Color: Ivory.
Top notes: Rose and cardamom.
16 cm diameter x 32.5 cm height.
Melting point: 70°C.
Weight: ± 960 g.
Burning hours: ± 60 hours.
Composition and Care
89% mineral wax, 11% vegetable wax. Cotton wick.
Always store in a cool, dry place.
Keep away from heat sources, flames, and other ignition sources.
Made in Barcelona.